Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter with the Kiddos

I am so sorry that I've neglected my blog.  So, here is our update.  Bella's doing great, as you can see her lip has healed very well.  Her nose has collapsed a bit, but that was really to be expected.  They'll work on it more later, not to mention she'll probably have to have rhinoplasty when she gets older.  You can also see how her lip has drawn up a bit around the scar, that is to be expected with the cleft lip repairs.  We massage the inside and outside twice a day with vitamin E this will help break the scar tissue down and allow the lip to soften and basically fall back into place.  Our next surgery will be at the beginning of May for the palate repair, this is a bit more complicated and painful for the little one.  With her being older, the Doctor said more than likely we'll be looking at about a 2 day stay in the hospital.

As you can see in the photos Bella and her Big Bro Aidan had a blast easter egg hunting.  We're enjoying the warm weather and times spent with friends.