Guangzhou is where you meet back with your original group and everyone has their babies. It's nice to be on the down slope and have friends with ya. Eric arrived back safely, and Aidan was ecstatic to see him. These are pictures of Isabella's first flight, which was really funny because she's really independent and wanted to sit in her own seat. So, as soon as the flight took off she was in my lap in no time and slept the whole way. When we arrived she was an absolute trooper, not having much of a nap and eating dinner around 9:00 pm. She was fine ate her grilled salmon came back to the room and she went right to sleep. Today we went to the medical examination office and got her examined and thankfully she only had to have 3 shots and the TB test, some of the other little ones had 6 plus shots. It was really pitiful. Some of the other pictures are of some of the other kids and of Isabella on the phone, she likes to do whatever i'm doing. If she is at the table eating she'll make sure everyone else has food, she wants everyone to be eating or drinking, kind of like a little mother hen. So far her arm looks good where they did the TB test. Oh yeah, I'll survive they actually have really good food here, we've got Italian restaurant and american:)
Like they say in china....
Rest Well,
God Bless you guys! I have cried reading this blog, you have shared an amazing adventure. Thank you! Cecelia Smith
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