Thursday, September 30, 2010

Off To The Dentist

Well, Bella's had her first visit to the dentist.  We knew she would have to have some work done, but 6 cavities. Oh my, I feel really bad for her.  At least they'll put her to sleep at the surgical center, but at the same time, I really don't like her having to deal with anesthesia again.  Well, we'll do what we gotta do.  Besides, we really do not want little icky teeth.
Aidan, is in Kindergarten this year.  We decided to put him into his Preschool Kindergarten class and then next year, let him do the full day Kindergarten.  With him being a June Boy, we wanted to let him get some more maturity on him.  You never hear anyone say that they regretted sending their child to double kindergarten classes.  I think it will be very beneficial for him.  He absolutely loves school this year and is doing really well and learning so very much.  We're so proud of him, he is truly a wonderful son.  Guess that's all for now:)


Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Praying the visit will be successful and Bella will do ok. You too! So glad Aiden loves school. I used to teach K and another year is the best gift you could give him!!!

Eddie Storms said...

Motivating kids to go to the dentist is a hard task, Melissa. Don't you agree? I'm glad that Bella went through all the dental procedures bravely. How is she now?