Saturday, November 28, 2009

November 23, 2007 a sweet little girl found at the gates of an orphanage

November 23, 2007 a scared and heartbroken mother made the decision to save her baby girl.  She was found at this exact gate.  I have such mixed feelings of sadness for the mother, grateful that she chose to put her somewhere she'd be found quickly and cared for.  Can you imagine living somewhere, where they still believed in a one child policy, boys were favored over girls, and to have a little girl with a deformity that you just didn't have the means to fix??  My heart breaks when I think about what Isabella's Tummy Mommy had to go through, but I know she did what she felt like was the best for her daughter and because of that, this little sweetie is going to be loved, snuggled when she's tired, get her boo boo's kissed, get the medical treatment she needs, get the education she needs, and last but definitely not least learn about and establish a relationship with the one who has watched over her, God.  We love you little one and can't wait to hold you in our arms and whisper into your ear, we're here and we will always be here.  I did not give birth to you and you didn't come from my stomach but you came from my heart.