Monday, December 28, 2009

Oh what a wonderful Christmas!!!

How wonderful to be back home and have our family complete for Christmas.  It was interesting adjusting back to the time change not to mention getting an oh so yucky cold.  Things are getting back to....what I guess you would call normal.  Isabella's done really well getting used to everything, Aidan is doing well getting used to a sister.  They're not playing a whole lot together, but I can see each day they interact a bit more.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family!! So happy for the 4 of you!!! God is so good!!

Jay said...

Melissa -
Thank you for your comment on my blog. It is so cool to see you in some of the same places we were just a few short months ago. Did you have a girl named Isabel as your guide? Looks like you were at the Lakeside Hotel just like us - wow, what cool memories. I think that maybe Raina may recognize your daughter in these photos. We showed her the pics, and she stared intently at them for a minute. I recognize the doctor in the picture also. We received the same things for Raina too - the clothes she was found in, some soil from the city, etc. We would love to connect with some other families that adopted from the same SWI - can you give us some info about that? Thank you so much - FuYiBella looks so happy in the pics - she certainly looks like she belongs in your family. Congratulations!
Jay Curatolo